Friday, April 27, 2007
1 litre of tears
new url :
new url :
new url :
new url :
new url :
new url :
Thursday, April 26, 2007

matsumoto takonori.
Damn, hes so handsome.
Have anybody been watching one litre of tears?
Its damn nice, another emo show like nana.
But this is a true story which made it even more emo.
Omfg, Kenichi { L from deathnote } is acting in it TOO.
Why does i see him in mostly every shows i like.
Hes acting as kawamoto sensei, aya's first love. LOL
He is bald in that show, super duper kawai.
Gee, i just found out that he Jealousy's voice in deathnote anime
is ken'ichi's. Wahaha, so darn cool and smexy.
and and and. Nana komatsu aka Hachi 's actress in Nana 2, Yui ichikawa
was Grudge 2 - main lead. Lol when i open the wikipedia on juon 2, it
scared the hell outta me.
Whatever, nana2 nana 2 nana2 when are you coming to Singpapore.
I heard its release on Japan was December 06.
Darn Singapore is freaking slow.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Midyear is approaching, so is my love for GAZETTE reaching the highest end.
I think i am going crazy with their voices and all the crazy stuffs.
I guess it been quite some time there is a night market on going aroung my area.
Wooho, i love the ramily burger :3
Talking about food, im angry. Damn, somehow dr.lee found i
lost 8pounds within a week and made gm forced me to eat.
which than, made me gain back 6pounds.
She made me eat fruits, jelly, spicy noodles and all the sinful stuff late at night
when i just reached home. Damn damn damn damn, i feel so .. bloated with sins.
Grr, dr.lee even forced me to made a pact to eat regularly. yea damn,
so i will be visitng her on Friday at toapayo. For another check up. Shit them, all of them.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Im here again to advertise my blog (:
things im selling are highly afforable,
way much cheaper than retail price and all of them are brand new ~
The shop sells stuffs for both boys & girls (:
Unlike other online shops which sells stuffs only for gurls.
Well of course, stuffs i sell are usually apparels for girls,
but things like contact lens can still be used by guys !
I do sell Anime stuffs, well which are not shown on that blog
maybe sometime when i am free-re i will post some anime stuffs on sales here :D
Friday, April 20, 2007
Sports day mania
selling stuffs such as coloured contact lens, stripped socks and other stuffs regarding cosplay :D
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Nana madness
Headed to Library with Yw after shcool.
Had pratas and chatted quite awhile there.
Proceeded to Jp to get some drinks and ' explored' around Ts.
GEE, GUESS WHAT! i found NANA1 movie on sale there for $12.90
way much cheaper than i expected it to be!
i expected it to be like $20 over, at least. Lol, should i buy them?
Well, movie 1 kinda suck. But L's in it. Ren in movie looks really ugly.
Im going crazy. I love nana, I love vivienne west wood :3
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
i love vivienne westwood

I wanna get some new avatars ..
Above are picture of 3 diffrent sets of costume.
Help me vote okay ? Or you think mixing them together would look better,
go ahead and tell me your opinion in my taggiee~ Thanks!
I am sooooo happy with my Chinese results, i actually got an A1 for it.
Suprise suprise =p I didnt even think of passing it.
I scored nearly full marks for my comprehension, i just merely copied the whole relevant sentence.
But teacher said that's gonna be the last time he would mark such kind of answer.
Blah, who cares, at least i am celver enough to do that.
Had social studies Ca today, pretty tough. I've got a strong instinct i'm gonna flunk it.
But of course, hopefully not.
It's happy thursday tomorrow =D
Cosplay meeting on saturday @ sawa's house.
Ahh, i am just go lazy to travel down to tampaniese.
whatever ,
cheers =d
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

God save me.
Had MOS burger after school, bused to Samsung Service centre to get Erica's things fixed.
Headed to Imm for Orh ah mee sua walked around that place until u.e knocked off.
Ercia went home first. u.e and me shopped around Diaso than cabbed home.
I bought a few pretty stuffs at Diaso (: photos up next time. Lazy to upload them
Went home changed and met them again at Gekpoh.
Bought lots of stuff to camelia's house and started mass binging.
-Low carbo bake beans
- Low fat cream cake
- Self made hershly chocolate cake
- coffee cheesecake
- durain cake
- Japanese seaweed cake [ from diaso ]
- Japanese tomyum seeweed [ from diaso ]
- Japanese homemade jelly [ from diaso ]
- Coke light
we ate and ate and ate and ate.
The lust i had been enduring for so long, finally.
The urge of purging made me felt uncomfortable.
Palyed cam's lil brother's gameboy.
Pokemon~ i caught 3 ratata in a row. Lol
Headed home after all of them finished their businuess.
Walked home. This is bad, really bad.
I didn't mean to, i can't stop myself. AHHHHH god save me.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Aftermath of our swimming outing

Went Jurong swimming complex yesterday with Sarina Darling.
That damn place is kinda small and nothing much to play with.
The one i enjoy most is the slides and lazy river,
actually that's the only things we can play.
Oh yeah, and the jacuzzi too.
It was fun swimming around and hunting for shuai ge at the same time.
Gee, i bet the LifeguardS definitely had a crush on us, no, her.
They kept shouting at us,
and all sorts of pick up lines.
It was really irritating me.
Can't those stupid guards see the big NO on my face.
Nonetheless, they still managed to find out our name and Sarina's number.
Headed home and change after that and went Thiong baru, supposed to go Bugis
and meet L.C & the rest for arcade and pool.
But, i was very lazy to travel down.
Did a little window shopping because the things there are none of my likings.
Than headed home and started rotting with games.
Damn audi's bug, made me unable to join the competition on time.
Anyway, just finished Bleach 121 yesterday. It was absolutely great.
*spoilers ahead*
Matsumoto, Renji and Hitsugaya finally had permission for Limit release.
Matsumoto defeated that big asshole easily with ' shunpo '.
Renji's either shinkai or bankai was damaged severly to defeat that bull monster
Hitsugaya was damaged severely too, in fact worst than Renji to defeat that Chinese-named guy.
Surprise Surprise, Ichigo was defeated by Grimjoy jackjackker.
He was lucky that tousen stopped the fight, if not ichigo would have been dead.
Ichigo bankai's form is way too weak to defeat that crazy rank 6 arrancar.
If i am not wrong, only his Vizard form could defeat that monster.
OH YEA, i nearly forgotten that Bleach 121 had a new opening and ending.
Opening was sung by KON. Ending had HISAGI SHUUHEI IN IT with Renji wearing informal clothes.
WAAAA, damn shuai !
When the heck will he be coming out. GRRRR
Friday, April 13, 2007
I have good luck on karma day
Like you can see, i am Karma ; Therefore,
karma reacts with karma which turns out lucky !
you know the maths equation ( negative x negative = positive)
same applies...
Call this affinity,
I saw shuai ge today! It's totally my day today,
he lives in the east whilst i live in the west, chances of meeting each other is nearly zero yet i really saw him today with YW.
I was told that their school was having Cross Country at Chinese garden today, so after the run; they had school bus chauffering them to Jurong Point.
I can still remember cleary, that moment when he came down from the bus and our eyes met. * going crazy *
God made me happy for a moment, after a few mintues of ' gen zhong' he dissapeared into the crowd of people.
Awww, this is the chinese saying ' you yuan wu fen '
But still, i am happy today =]
Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Monday, April 9, 2007
I am a laughing stock
Saturday, April 7, 2007

ITS L FROM DEATH NOTE. I reckon he must be a big anime fanatic like me too.
BUT HE DECIDED TO QUIT. Actually i guess not, i thought he was actually not that suitable for that role because SHIN was suppose to be more kiddy and punky.
Damn ! I didn't figure out he was actually Matsuyama Kenichi [ L ] until later part of the movie, i nearly choked on the chicken wing i was chewing. No, not joking.

Anyway, kenichi was changed to a guy more suitable for Shin, Kanata hongo. {
Look, this guy is really suits more for the role, shin.
By the way, this CUTE kiddo acted in Prince of Tennis's movie too!

shin in the anime {
^Kanata hongo cosplaying Shin,
Compare L and Hongo, definitely Hongo suits Shin more !
But still, i love L :3
Gee, i am really going crazy over NANA. Episode 30 onward are really makes me experience the pain of heart attack. Seriously, the anime isn't like an anime at all, it's like a true story, very dramatic and heart aching. Very outstanding anime! must watch !
I am going crazy waiting for some kind hearted people to sub episode 43 onwards and i am waiting for NANA 2 movie to come to Singapore. I cant find any website who ships to Singapore, neither Ebay have them.
Pleaseeeeee tell me if you know where to get that DVD. I am begging you -_-
Friday, April 6, 2007
Nezumi says: ' dai jeo bu ' ( i'm okay )
I am so in love with Black stones !
Well, it's not really a ' real ' band, it's from NANA [ an anime in case you don't know ]
Look at the photo, they even had MP3 for them. By gigbeat ( hope i spelt them correctly), a REAL BIG music company from JAPAN.
They also featured TRAPNEST's [ another band from NANA ] MP3

Well obviously, Gigabeat likes black stone for,
look at the gay coloured MP3 Trapnest have.
Anyway, let me introduce their member.
From left
{ blond guy [ i cant remember his name ],
Ren [ nana's man ], Reira, Takumi }
Although i prefer Reira;s voice to Nana's but i still find NANA way much more cooler.
Anyway, anyhow, YOU MUST watch nana! i thought it's a little Nc-16 but still, its nice!
Oh yea, the starting few episode really made me cry.
Its about nanaS's love life. In case you don't know there's two Nana in the anime, NANA.
It's very confusing, that's why the punk rock NANA [ above picture ] called the slutty nana, HACHI ( a dog name ). You watch the show, you'd know why i name her slutty.
Oh yeah, i just changed my play list completely.
The songs are all from NANA anime.
I had a hard time in choosing which song to play first
between the first track, ' A little painful ' and second track, ' stareless night'.
Well actually, i prefer ' stareless night ' more because i only like the chorus of ' A little painful '
But anyway, both is a must hear ! Both track are from ' TRAPNEST '
' Rose ' and ' Zerp ' is also a must hear song ! by NANA - Black Stones.
I didn't really like ' stand by me ' because i thought NANA's voice doesn't suit
slow sad song. I just so love her scratchy sound in a punk rock song.
Scroll down to my play list to play the songs, if not just leave this site in your task bar
and surf other webbie while enjoying the music here ^-^
Ha, i finished 30 episodes of NANA the whole night yesterday and i totally forgotten
to watch my BLEACH 121.
No matter what, must watch NANA !
It's a romantic cum punk rock kinda anime.
REALLY TOUCHING ! watch watch watch :D
time for bleach, tadah.
Thursday, April 5, 2007
Audition Frenzy

Okay, that's all for the morning. Time to watch NANA and some potato chips :3
Nezumi meets new friend, 林東完 /Eam dong wan .

He is a Korean by the way, actually he is not really a new friend, knew him for quite some time
since last year through Audition but did not really talk much on MSN since our time zone is
pretty different until just recently (a few minutes ago) he started talking to me on MSN.
Through him, i knew a lot of Korea and the lifestyle there.
We are of the same age, but he told me he was in ' Zhong er ' which means secondary two.
I showed him my photo and told him i was in ' Zhong san ', meaning secondary three.
He told me i look really young. I was pretty puzzled, thinking ' zhong san ' in their country might
mean University in Singapore ?
I kept irritating him asking why do i look young, he said because usually people around our age
in Korea don't look like that.
I reckon a fifteen year old girl in Korea looks like a matured twenty year old in Singapore.
He just went offline, he is really a nice and interesting guy.
He just kept telling me how envy he was to people who can read, write and recognize Chinese words.
So i just kept telling him i envy people who could read, write and recognize Korean words.
He was telling me Korean is useless because Mandarin will be the world's second language.
Gee, i seriously hate people who adores Chinese that much.
Because i seriously abhor it.
Oh well, youtube's traffic during the night is damn high.
I just finish loading three episodes of NANA within an hour, which i usually could load
three episode in ten minutes. Hate it!
Yay, i am going on a holiday this June. Not sure to where, but it would only be a three day trip.
I reckon it should be somewhere nearby like Malaysia, Indonesia or something.
Geeee, i really wanna go Taiwan or South Korea to visit my new friend :D
Food carvation, crazy laksa temptation !

I guess i am the most stupid ana person on Earth.
I actually think that laxative pills works right after consuming it,
i took 2 dose of it [ 4 pills ] hoping i would head to the bowel soon.
Yet i was sleeping soundly yesterday night.

I even cursed the company for selling such ineffective laxative pills, crashing my hope, wasting my money and worst of all, binging so much fats and carbo yesterday night.
The laxative effect only happened during MT class but luckily i could resist it and took only two dose of that stupid pills.
I don't know if there would be calories intake. Probably, yes.
Damn it,
yesterday night intake :
- 2 deep fried chicken wing
- a bowl of chicken soup
- 1 big packet of Jack & jill's chilly flavoured cracker
- grapes
- a few slices of coffee cheesecake
- vanilla ice cream
- Grape flavoured jelly
- a cup of milk
- a packet of apple juice
I wish i could just slice off my fats but i am afraid it hurt.
Whatever it is, just hope school doesn't exist anymore.
I still owe 3 pieces of Chinese homework and a list of A.maths question undone. Hell, this is killing me and Mid year exam is racing against me so fast.
I am hell freaked out by how fast time goes, i want to stop time on a Saturday, a day which i would be able to wake up late, no school, no homework, jump around the street randomly screaming ' yay its Saturday! ', no temptation during recces and yes, more time for Anime and dancing !
No temptation during recces reminds me of the laksa i ate today, tender chicken with holy thick brewed soup. A pretty small serving actually, but it taste really good.
Today would be my last day with tuition teacher and than no more tuition for me. Gee, i wonder how i would survive my homework without her. I MISS YOU ! =p SEE THIS, teacher xD
time for some anime; ciaoz
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Standing alone, fighting

I ate mostly what I was supposed to, didn't exercise on the sly, didn't cut, didn't purge.
Which makes this the first trip I have abstained from all of the above since the beginning of the ED.
There was, however, hell to pay. The thoughts were maddening.
Wouldn't I feel better if I didn't eat? If I race walked around the lobby of the hotel?
If I took laxatives? Had fun with sharp objects? It's like some sort of whiplash.
You're moving forward at this spectacular rate and then WHAM!
Reality hits and you realize it ain't over until it's over.
I want so desperately for this to be over.
I believed that since I've been doing all the right things, talking about all the right stuff, that things would feel better, too.This is the crappy part they don't tell you about.
This is the part where so many people relapse: if you do see the light at the end of the tunnel, it sure does look like an oncoming train. And I know from experience that the AN behaviors will make me feel better. Temporarily.
But the ugly truth is that, no matter how many good days you have, the monster is still in there, in your head. Sleeping. Waiting.
The ugly truth is that you can be sitting in your comfy chair after a stressful
Sunday having to work when the monster decides to wake up.
OUT OF NOWHERE the voice tells you how much better it would feel to empty out your stomach and go workout, like you had planned to do before you came home tired and hungry and decided just to try and relax and enjoy some wine and healthy leftovers.
I need some time to reflect on all my wrong doings, a space for me to hide to cry to scream and yes, i need love, care and more happiness; can you provide them?
Fat Nezumi going on diet, try no.2

Hooray! I had early dismissal today, Mr chia was absent from school. Alright; did i ever told you i really hate Chinese? Anyway, now I've said it. I am carving for ice cream, just ate two sticks of traffic light ice cream. Gee that's all i can take in for today. Calories counting reached the maximum with just the two ice cream.
Caught up with Juh and gleen on MSN awhile ago, they are like before; never seems to change for the better, as crappy and nonsensical as before. Cant stop laughing with them around. Balmung asked me to join him for bowling at Bukit Batok tomorrow, planned to go there too on Friday with Kaien & the others. So decided to drop the deal with Balmung, eeps; so sorry though i promise i would definitely be going. *gasp* another empty promise.
Struggling with A.maths, i detest it totally and i really don't understand a single stuff on the current chapter, the long algebraic division. Just because i missed at least five lessons due to bowling competition. Hell, that was really bad.
Just finished playing Audition with Qiang, the first song was Korean version of ' Tian mi mi ' , we really laughed our ass off. Its a really gay song, i would post the song one day and show you. I am sure you would agree with me. I am really hungry now BUT i must hang on !
Alright, that's all for today, tadah.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Orange leads a new life

I do consider myself pretty lucky today, i found shuai ge's photo at Singapore Bowling Federation's school league 06 photo album. I guess you can rank me genius for stalking.
Oh yeah, the above photo was a taken in front of Old Changi Hospital. Last visit there before it tear down to become a resort. I bet no locals would visit it; except for those investigation teams or those really brave ones who wanna explore and 'zhuang dan'.
Well, i believe its gonna be a great experience there though.
I've recently just gained another two kilograms. That was the worst fear woman can ever have other than ageing. I need a diet, an extreme diet. I need to stop myself from binging junk food all the time before i sleep.
The worst part it i couldn't control myself and i just kept on eating and eating without even breathing. It sounds pretty exaggerating but well, thats the truth!
I still can't get over yesterday's horrible experience.
The karma lane, ring, balls, bus driver basically everything!
I admit i was really upset, i even teared. But today, God rewarded me with his Photo!
Guess what, i found his photo on Singapore bowling federation website.
Should i post it up here? I don't wanna be sue or something.
I would consider and tell you later, time for television =D ciao