I am so in love with Black stones !
Well, it's not really a ' real ' band, it's from NANA [ an anime in case you don't know ]
Look at the photo, they even had MP3 for them. By gigbeat ( hope i spelt them correctly), a REAL BIG music company from JAPAN.
They also featured TRAPNEST's [ another band from NANA ] MP3

Well obviously, Gigabeat likes black stone for,
look at the gay coloured MP3 Trapnest have.
Anyway, let me introduce their member.
From left
{ blond guy [ i cant remember his name ],
Ren [ nana's man ], Reira, Takumi }
Although i prefer Reira;s voice to Nana's but i still find NANA way much more cooler.
Anyway, anyhow, YOU MUST watch nana! i thought it's a little Nc-16 but still, its nice!
Oh yea, the starting few episode really made me cry.
Its about nanaS's love life. In case you don't know there's two Nana in the anime, NANA.
It's very confusing, that's why the punk rock NANA [ above picture ] called the slutty nana, HACHI ( a dog name ). You watch the show, you'd know why i name her slutty.
Oh yeah, i just changed my play list completely.
The songs are all from NANA anime.
I had a hard time in choosing which song to play first
between the first track, ' A little painful ' and second track, ' stareless night'.
Well actually, i prefer ' stareless night ' more because i only like the chorus of ' A little painful '
But anyway, both is a must hear ! Both track are from ' TRAPNEST '
' Rose ' and ' Zerp ' is also a must hear song ! by NANA - Black Stones.
I didn't really like ' stand by me ' because i thought NANA's voice doesn't suit
slow sad song. I just so love her scratchy sound in a punk rock song.
Scroll down to my play list to play the songs, if not just leave this site in your task bar
and surf other webbie while enjoying the music here ^-^
Ha, i finished 30 episodes of NANA the whole night yesterday and i totally forgotten
to watch my BLEACH 121.
No matter what, must watch NANA !
It's a romantic cum punk rock kinda anime.
REALLY TOUCHING ! watch watch watch :D
time for bleach, tadah.
1 comment:
Do those really exist?
If they do do you know where I could buy one???
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