Hooray! I had early dismissal today, Mr chia was absent from school. Alright; did i ever told you i really hate Chinese? Anyway, now I've said it. I am carving for ice cream, just ate two sticks of traffic light ice cream. Gee that's all i can take in for today. Calories counting reached the maximum with just the two ice cream.
Caught up with Juh and gleen on MSN awhile ago, they are like before; never seems to change for the better, as crappy and nonsensical as before. Cant stop laughing with them around. Balmung asked me to join him for bowling at Bukit Batok tomorrow, planned to go there too on Friday with Kaien & the others. So decided to drop the deal with Balmung, eeps; so sorry though i promise i would definitely be going. *gasp* another empty promise.
Struggling with A.maths, i detest it totally and i really don't understand a single stuff on the current chapter, the long algebraic division. Just because i missed at least five lessons due to bowling competition. Hell, that was really bad.
Just finished playing Audition with Qiang, the first song was Korean version of ' Tian mi mi ' , we really laughed our ass off. Its a really gay song, i would post the song one day and show you. I am sure you would agree with me. I am really hungry now BUT i must hang on !
Alright, that's all for today, tadah.
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